Ever wondered if killing someone's feelings should be punishable ?? The law of the land punishes only crimes which can be physically verified. What about the lashes on the souls, the daggers in the hearts, the strangling of emotions and the treachery in relations ??
The beauty of human life is such that we are able to cope up and start afresh post setbacks MOST of the times. That attribute is innately necessary for a successful person in the society. But what we forget is the value of the pain we endure during those moments of grief.
Lets for a moment think of feelings as investments, they grow with increased interaction with the other person, only to turn to zilch, once the mirage vanishes or the dream ends. To objectify now, isn't it a great deal to lose? The accused is guilty if not for killing a person, then certainly a part of him/her. That part that grew up with you, that part that shared his/her dreams with you, that part that dared to dream with you, the heart that pumped extra strong when you were in sight, the mind that ensured fidelity amidst distractions, the body that met the calls and demands of the partner, the conscience that felt most responsible to rule in your favour, when moments of making choices appeared.
Some of the best writers have given such brilliant quotes on loosing in love/relationships. Over the times the pain of separation has achieved a different romanticism in itself. So many verses dedicated to the very feeling of sadness. Maybe we realise that we are now alone, and with this heady feeling of sadness thereby deciding either to console and pamper the self, or inflicting more damage upon it as an act of turning into one's own nemesis. Choices really, the value base of our life !! I'll leave you with two contradictory quotes below:
"Better never to have met you in my dreams, than to wake and reach for the hands that are not there." - Otomo No Yakamochi
"It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all" - Lord Alfred Tennyson
The beauty of human life is such that we are able to cope up and start afresh post setbacks MOST of the times. That attribute is innately necessary for a successful person in the society. But what we forget is the value of the pain we endure during those moments of grief.
Lets for a moment think of feelings as investments, they grow with increased interaction with the other person, only to turn to zilch, once the mirage vanishes or the dream ends. To objectify now, isn't it a great deal to lose? The accused is guilty if not for killing a person, then certainly a part of him/her. That part that grew up with you, that part that shared his/her dreams with you, that part that dared to dream with you, the heart that pumped extra strong when you were in sight, the mind that ensured fidelity amidst distractions, the body that met the calls and demands of the partner, the conscience that felt most responsible to rule in your favour, when moments of making choices appeared.
Some of the best writers have given such brilliant quotes on loosing in love/relationships. Over the times the pain of separation has achieved a different romanticism in itself. So many verses dedicated to the very feeling of sadness. Maybe we realise that we are now alone, and with this heady feeling of sadness thereby deciding either to console and pamper the self, or inflicting more damage upon it as an act of turning into one's own nemesis. Choices really, the value base of our life !! I'll leave you with two contradictory quotes below:
"Better never to have met you in my dreams, than to wake and reach for the hands that are not there." - Otomo No Yakamochi
"It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all" - Lord Alfred Tennyson